Friday, 11 November 2011

the intention of this Blog

On this site my occupation reveals an inconsistency to the norm; ironically this inconsistency is felt by millions of people today. Yet there is no box, there is category for its name, like millions of people around the world I am unemployed, a graduate with little chance of employment. I have been headhunted by the 99 per cent corralled and cajoled into accepting that there is no security in the future, that the ideals of a western civilisation were all but a fine veneer of eloquent words without substance, like a gold plated watch given to you on the day of your retirement. Yet underneath these fine words and these noble aspirations, is another world maligned in misery and poverty. It’s so utterly tarnished, so unmistakably disfigured that it looms across a wasteland of austerity. 

We the 99 percent stare blindly into the ether drawing on everything we have ever learnt from our parents, like resolve, fortitude and tenacity. Only to be replaced by the sudden thought that the ominous even insurmountable logic of the markets have colonised every conceivable space left to hide. Yes people can say I am lazy, work-shy I even overheard some one say it was genetic, as I stumble awkwardly from queue to queue in the employment line. I was left with a bitter after-taste of defeat, as I thought about wining the euro millions, as an aimless, if impossible platitude surrendered any hope of escapism I might have had.  

Yet why this occurred, why it is that private interest of 1 percent of society are prioritised over the 99 percent. Why is that we have political rights, but no economic justice, why is that states have prostituted our democracy to financial entities, like gold man Sachs and standard and poor. Why, is that class politics is said to be something of past yet 99 percent of the worlds population are being asked to pay for a crisis they never created?  In this blog I will attempt to answer these questions and seek an alternative that pushes beyond the limits of capitalism to actually realise that the alternative comes from us the 99 percent.     

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